Quick Mount PV QMUTM-A-12 Mill Universal Tile Flashing

SKU: 210-0949

QuickMount, Flashing, Universal Tile Mounts, 18" x 18", Mill Finish, QBASE, Qty. 1, QMUTM-A-12

The QBase Universal Tile Mount uses the QBase foundation and two spun aluminum cone flashings to provide superior strength and waterproofing when mounting solar panels on tile roofs. The secondary top flashing can be shaped to match virtually any flat or curved roof tile by the installer.


  • Safety - Patents are in the process. Tile roofing best practices are met or surpassed. Stainless steel 18-8 is used for all exposed hardware.
  • Efficiency - All leading racks are compatible. IBC-compliant to a tee. 2 or 4 fasteners attach it to the roof frame. Average pullout: 3031 lbs. (Douglas fir); average shear: 803 lbs. QBase is the most powerful mechanical mount available off the shelf. Subflashing with a 9x9-inch spun aluminum cone. The top flashing is 18x18 inches with a spun aluminum cone.
  • User Friendly - A ten-year warranty is included, with a 50-year life expectancy. Both hardware and fasteners are included. The product is available from a number of reputable distributors. Both the deck and the top levels were flashed.

Quick Mount PV Flashing Warranty

25-year limited product warranty.